May is Mental Health Awareness Month
-- a time to highlight the importance of mental health, as well as an opportunity to cultivate a solid mental health practice.
In previous articles, we have shared ways that music and sound can be used to positively influence mental health and overall well-being.
For the month of May, we challenge you to spend a little bit of time each day tending to your mental wellness.
Join us for a mental health challenge and use the resources below to incorporate music and sound to develop a practice that feels right for you.
Mental Health Awareness Challenge
Day 1
Meditate for 10-20 minutes before bed
Day 2
Get active -- try a workout while listening to house music
Day 3
Take 15-30 min to practice breathwork
Day 4
Try humming to stimulate your vagus nerve
Day 5
Dance or move your body to afrobeats music
Day 6
Experiment with vibroacoustic technology
Day 7
Wind down while listening to nature sounds
Day 8
Meditate while listening to binaural beats
Day 9
Spend 30min to 1hr being creative
Day 10
Shift your mood with an ISO playlist
Day 11
Listen to focus music while working to optimize your workflow
Day 12
Reflect on your day by journaling
Day 13
Download a mental health app
Day 14
Try deep listening to the sounds in your environment
Day 15
Meditate while listening to shamanic drumming
Day 16
Plan to go to bed earlier than normal
Day 17
Start your day by listening to your favorite song
Day 18
Listen to music with a friend
Day 19
Spend 30min creating something that feels good
Day 20
Have a phone-free Saturday
Day 21
Listen to sleep music to help you fall asleep
Day 22
Meditate while listening to nature sounds
Day 23
Dance or move your body to your favorite song
Day 24
Listen to 40Hz frequency
Day 25
Go social media-free for a day
Day 26
Deep breathing exercises
*try this new breathwork track from SHIVARASA
Day 27
Try a community drum circle!
Day 28
Go for a walk or hike while listening to feel-good music
Day 29
Practice a deep listening meditation
Day 30
Make a playlist that makes you feel good
Day 31
Reflect on this month by journaling
Are you joining us for the challenge? Let us know @healthandbass :)